Jacinto cubo (pronunciado ' bouquet') continuamente busca oportunidades para ascender en la escala social, aunque ella está atascada en un peldaño debajo de su hermana violeta (cuya casa tiene una piscina, sauna y sala para un pony) y sólo por encima de sus hermanas de clase obrera Daisy y Rose. Pasión de Jacinto para entretener impecable altera a su vecino Elizabeth, que a menudo es invitado a la casa de cuchara para café. Hermano divorciado de Elizabeth Emmet, que también vive al lado de los cubos, trata de evitar Jacinto porque rompe a cantar en su presencia en la esperanza que en una de sus producciones musicales 'pequeño teatro' se le expulsó.
Reparto de Keeping Up Appearances
Listado de actores y actrices que aparecen
Sergeant Watkins
The hotel guest
the Salesman
the Registrar
His Lordship
the Insurance Salesman
The Ship's Officer
the Security Representative
Mrs Moody
The Restaurant Manager
His wife
the Engineer
the Hippie
The youth
Episodios de Keeping Up Appearances
Daddy's accident
The new vicar
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
The Christening
A strange man
Episode 2
Candlelight Supper
Hyacinth Tees Off
Problems with Relatives
Onslow's Birthday
Singing For Emmet
The Toy Store
Three Piece Suite
A Picnic for Daddy
The Father Christmas Suit
Early Retirement
Episode 2
Violet's Country Cottage
How to Go on Holiday Without Really Trying
Richard's New Hobby
The Art Exhibition
What to Wear When Yachting
A Job for Richard
Country Retreat
A Celebrity for the Barbecue
The Commodore
Looking at Properties
Please Mind Your Head
Let There Be Light
Sea Fever
Angel Gabriel Blue
The Senior Citizen's Outing
The Mayor's Fancy Dress Ball
Hyacinth Is Alarmed
Riparian Entertainments
The Country House Sale
The Boy Friend
A Barbecue at Violet's
The Rolls Royce
The Hostess
The Pageant